Metropolitan ACT Teams

The ACT Program provides community-based services to individuals with severe and persistent mental illness. Their mental illness may also be accompanied by a substance abuse disorder and/or a developmental disability. ACT is an evidence-based, recovery-oriented service delivery model that provides a holistic, multidisciplinary approach to consumer care. The primary goals of the program are to lessen or eliminate the debilitating symptoms of mental illness each consumer experiences, minimize or prevent recurrent acute episodes of the illness, and enhance quality of life and functioning. ACT also provides employment services for participants through Individual Placement and Support (IPS), an evidence-based model. Metropolitan ACT serves consumers in Orleans, Plaquemines, and St. Bernard Parishes.

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Program Start Year

  • 2010


  • Jebria Buntyn, Program Director
  • Rhonda Hill, Assistant Program Director (Contact for Referrals)

Contact Information