RHD North Carolina
RHD NC provides residential supports and services for adults with diagnosis of intellectual and developmental disabilities, serious and persistent mental illness and adults with dual diagnosis of mental illness and developmental disabilities. Individuals live in a variety of settings including Individual apartments, shared apartments and licensed group homes. Supervision in each setting is provided according to the level of need from 24 hours a day to 14 hours per day. RHD NC is committed to providing the best care and support for all persons served based on their individual desires and level of need. RHD programs focus on a person-centered approach, and much care is given to working with individuals to create homes and live the highest quality of life possible.
Contact Information
Nicholas Hobbs, Director
Heather Harrington, Site Supervisor
Phone: 919-755-1335
Fax: 919-875-4493
10224 Durant Rd., Suite 205
Raleigh, NC 27614

'Happy, Healthy, and at Home'
RHD North Carolina’s innovative partnership with Duke University Hospital and Alliance Health delivers stable housing and better health care at lower costs.