RHD Collaborates with Anthropologie on New Innovative Morris Home Location

March 10, 2022
When Laura Sorensen, program director of RHD’s Morris Home, shows residents the center’s soon-to-open new location in West Philadelphia, they tell her, “It feels therapeutic.” She adds, “The new location creates the environment our members deserve.”
The new location is a state-of-the-art complex with a SMART therapy room (developed by RHD’s Environmental Design Specialist Leah Forrest) that is equipped with different lighting options and sound/scent/motor/tactile stimulation tools to utilize during therapy sessions. “In our current space, we can house nine members,” Sorensen says. “In the new space, we’ll be able to serve 14 members.” The new location will also provide added safety and security for residents.
Clothing retailer Anthropologie made all this possible.
Anthropologie’s relationship with Morris Home began in June of 2021 when they first contributed $10,000 to the center in honor of Pride Week. Following that, Anthropologie “wanted to continue the relationship,” Sorensen says. “They wanted to take it even further, and they were able to connect with us with folks from their community building team, who helped style the rooms and provided furniture.”
Morris Home is the only rehabilitation center in the country that specifically supports trans- and gender-nonconforming individuals. Since 2011, Morris Home has supported their participants as they develop the knowledge, skills, and life navigation tactics necessary to promote sobriety, manage emotional and behavioral difficulties, choose and maintain safe and healthy lifestyles, and develop healthy relationships with peers, family, and the community.
The new location is just one recent noteworthy event for Morris House. In October of 2021, Morris Home collaborated with Mural Arts Philadelphia on “We Are Universal”, the city’s first mural. celebrating trans and gender non-conforming individuals. The mural is located in the city’s Fishtown neighborhood.
Sorensen further explained that there are plans for Anthropologie and Morris Home to continue working together. Morris Home residents will have the opportunity to receive trainings at Anthropologie via their offices at the URBN corporate campus in Philadelphia, PA. Anthropologie staff members will be able to volunteer at Morris Home.
Once the new Morris Home has passed inspections, a date for the grand opening will be set.