La Casa
La Casa is a CRR (Community Rehabilitation Residence) that serves 10 young adults, between the ages of 18 – 24, with histories of homelessness, mental health, and/or addiction needs that are aging out of systems of care such as youth shelter, foster care, or juvenile justice centers.
We establish relationships of trust and empathy as we accompany individuals on their journey to self-worth, empowerment, and reintegration into the community. Quality services are provided by La Casa, designed to meet individuals where they are.
Program eligibility and requirements
La Casa staff assists individuals with reaching their goals of independent living by providing a nurturing environment which encompasses assistance with activities of daily living, linkages to mental health services, educational services, vocational services, healthcare, trauma recovery groups, and other therapeutic and supportive services that facilitate community reintegration. A continuum of trainings as well as support and supervisions assist staff in their on-going growth and development in order to enhance the services they deliver to the participants of the program.
It is the goal of La Casa to assist individuals with psychiatric challenges as well as those who may be living and coping with past trauma to live as independently as possible through the provision of training and assistance with the skills of community living and by serving as an integrating focus for a person’s recovery. While living at the CRR, each individual will engage in skill building activities developed within the framework of their own needs and desires. La Casa also provide services to individuals who are living and coping with past trauma as well as fostering an environment that promotes family inclusion that helps connect individuals to their natural supports.
La Casa will provide a homelike, non-institutional environment providing maximum opportunity to learn the skills necessary for living that is more independent. Within this setting, we will provide each person with the maximum possible autonomy, independence and self-determination. The program will constantly strive to enable individuals to move to less restrictive living arrangements. There will be responsible staff to support and assist individuals in their movement toward independence. In addition, well-developed cooperative efforts with other agencies within the service delivery system will be coordinated to ensure continuous and effective services for the ongoing wellness and recovery of the individual.
'I felt like I made it'
RHD’s La Casa is Philadelphia’s only safe haven for young males experiencing homelessness.