Generous gift from Santander Bank helps RHD’s Coordinated Homeless Outreach Center move into new home

August 3, 2017
RHD’s Coordinated Homeless Outreach Center is getting a new home.
CHOC, the only year-round emergency housing service for single adults experiencing homelessness in Montgomery County, moved into a new facility that will provide expanded services and a safe, welcoming space.
A generous gift from Santander Bank helped CHOC settle into its new space, helping CHOC expand services and provide greater opportunities for financial independence and stability to people experiencing homelessness. Santander’s gift of $25,000 will be used to fund literacy training that will support clients in successfully transitioning from living on the streets, to moving into permanent homes and staying in them long-term.
“We are deeply grateful to Santander for their support,” said CHOC Director Genny O’Donnell. “Every day people in Montgomery County rely on CHOC for essential services that help them do the work to break the cycle of homelessness. The individuals and families we serve rely on the generosity of those who believe that people deserve the dignity and respect that housing provides. We’d like to thank Santander for giving us the opportunity to better serve people in need by providing our clients the tools to help them transition to a better financial future.”
Held once a month, the literacy classes support CHOC’s self-sufficiency services with a focus on basic budgeting, credit repair and identify theft. The goal for the residents of this 50-bed co-ed shelter is to stay for 3-4 months until permanent housing is acquired. CHOC provides additional services including street outreach, service counseling, transportation, rapid rehousing, meals, clothing, life skills and benefits counseling.