features RHD’s One Step Away, Philadelphia’s street newspaper

July 7, 2017’s Julie Zeglen interviews Emily Taylor, director of RHD’s One Step Away, Philadelphia’s street newspaper: “One Step Away’s Emily Taylor breaks down the street paper’s ethos“
You may have purchased a paper from one of the vendors on a city street corner — or you may have blown right by them.One Step Away is Philly’s street paper and a program of Resources for Human Development.
OSA employs about 60 people monthly as vendors in Center City and surrounding neighborhoods.The goals are twofold: Provide steady income for people experiencing homelessness (or who are at risk for experiencing homelessness), and advocate for social justice within the homelessness community.
“It’s a lot harder to end up homeless and then have to build yourself up than if we just help people stay in their house,” which can happen by participating in OSA, Taylor said.
One Step Away is Philadelphia’s street newspaper produced and distributed by people experiencing homelessness, and provides meaningful income, opportunities for personal growth and an important voice of advocacy.