RHD Boston
RHD Boston provides residential, day and individual supports for men and women with developmental disabilities, a dual diagnoses of mental illness and/or physical disabilities. The program focuses on a person-centered planning approach, and much care is given to working with individuals to create homes adapted to meet individual needs. The program provides intensive support in the area of life skills, social skills, and community integration with an emphasis on having fun while pursuing personal goals.

Clients give back
RHD Boston clients volunteer at a local soup kitchen, preparing and serving food for the homeless, because at RHD Boston, clients don’t just participate in services in the community, they are active members of the community. With this unique volunteer opportunity, RHD Boston’s individuals have the experience of giving back, empowering them as community members.
RHD Boston is also home to Outside the Lines studio, which provides individuals with developmental disabilities with the tools and materials to create art and the supports to define themselves as artists. Outside the Lines works with artists with a range of disabilities, in particular people whose challenging behaviors or health issues make them poor fits with more traditional day services. Many of the artists’ works are included in private collections throughout New England. Artists have been successful in local and national juried exhibitions. Outside the Lines welcomes input from volunteers, artists and galleries. Private viewings are by appointment.

On the Air
At RHD Boston, clients host a weekly radio show that has become something of a phenomenon among human services providers in the area and gives clients a voice.
Special thanks to the Cummings Foundation for its support of RHD Boston.